Request free samples, discounts and offers from leading brands. It's the best way to get Perks without having to pay! That’s right, a totally FREE service.
Download the Personal Perks app and start requesting your perks. It's so simple: sign-up for free, select your interests, request your perks from the Perks Carousel and we’ll take care of the rest so you can simply enjoy!
Perks that Pay! Earn Personal Perk Coins (PPC) for requesting Perks and completing simple actions like leaving a star rating or sharing with a friend. You can then spend your PPC on great prizes like iPads, experiences, and vouchers!
It's the new offering from the U.K’s leading FREE employee rewards service, The Work Perk. Everyone and anyone can now request Perks that they deserve: From free cosmetics, drinks and snacks to exclusive offers and discounts on entertainment, tech and lifestyle!
Download now and let us get to work on sending Perks your way today!